Core Responsibilities

The Core Responsibilities of the Union to its Members

The Core Responsibilities were adopted by the Executive Board on September 18, 2023.

As written upon its founding in 1959, SDC “shall carry into effect such policies as shall secure the united action of all its Members for their common good.” SDC is the national labor union that represents stage directors and choreographers, securing the artistic and economic rights of its Members and ensuring that their interests are protected and respected. Therefore, SDC’s core responsibilities to its Members are to:

  • Establish and protect employment terms and conditions, including minimum compensation levels; safe and equitable workplaces; health and pension contributions; and the safeguarding of intellectual property.
  • Manage the funds and property of the Union solely for the benefit of the Union and its Members in accordance with the Union’s By-laws.
  • Increase employment opportunities by expanding the jurisdiction and scope of work protected by SDC.
  • Promote solidarity, unity, and empowerment of SDC’s diverse Membership as participants in the Union.
  • Encourage and advance effective legislation and other governmental action in the interest of the profession.
  • Elevate the craft by advancing the reputation and centrality of SDC Members as key creators and leaders in the field, staying abreast of opportunities and alert to challenges to the artistic rights of all directors and choreographers.

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